Giving back to nature is our key philosophy. The Green environment and oxygen
is vital to human survival. Our oxygen plus initiative will contribute
to environ mental protection.
Hunger is one of the most unfortunate realities About 10%
of the global population sleeps on an empty stomach
we are working on basics to provide food material to needy
Selfless giving is an art of living, following this adage,
the foundation is determined to be ever-ready to
help those in needs, especially during natural
calamities, crisis and mishaps
A common problem faced by underprivileged students is illiteracy and unemployment. Chetak Foundation wanted to fill the gap and
create a platform that would pro-actively support the underprivileged students.
A common problem faced by underprivileged students is illiteracy and unemployment. Chetak Foundation wanted to fill the gap and
create a platform that would pro-actively support the underprivileged students.
The adage "Health is wealth*, has gained even
greater significance in present times. We are
running a drive to encourage people to enhance
their fitness levels.
We value human life. Unfortunately, more than 150,000 people
die in road acci dents in India, annually. In our humble effort to
improve safety on the road, we are introducing safety