span of control is narrow, and the chain of command is long, making communication slower as instructions take longer to travel through the levels of the . A. Tall Structure: - It is such a structure that comprises a great range of hierarchal levels along with narrow spans of control. Disadvantages of Narrow Span Of Management: It creates more levels of management which is expensive as well as time-consuming. It is something that directs group efforts towards the attainment of certain pre - determined goals. This organization structure is called "Tall e". Use of Communication Technology 7. To define span of control . Span of Management With Examples. Advantages and Disadvantages of Span of Management ... -New problems arise frequently. There is a wide and a narrow span of management. Span of management. Managerial roles involve sharing and analyzing information. Height: As there are levels of management or hierarchy, an organization may be tall (with many levels) or flat (with fewer levels.) Generally the span of management may be narrow when: -Workers are physically located far from one another. Span of control: Everything you need to know It allows less employee autonomy in decision making as compared to . Costs each manager has a small number of employees under their control. Planning is the primary function of management. 2. What is Span of Control | Types Of Span of Control Level of Management. Centralization and Decentralization | Advantages ... Narrow span of control, which refers to the traditional way of seeing managers as having only a couple of directs, who then also have a couple of directs. Narrow span of control in simple words refers to that system in which one supervisor . In a flat structure, the span of control is wide. Wide Span of Control. definition. Management is a purposive activity. While, a wide span of management means a single manager or supervisor oversees a large number of subordinates. 3. 2. Factors Determining the Span of Management. This is also called span of management, span of authority, span of supervision, span of authority, span of responsibility or levels of organization. The organisational structure is tall as opposed to flat. Narrow span of control: Narrow Span of control means a single manager or supervisor. A narrow Span of management develops good human relations in the organization. 5. Speed of decision making high in flat structures due to the wide span of control. Meaning. Wide span of control is best suited when the employees are not widely scattered geographically, as it is easy for managers to be in touch . • Less levels of communication for decisions to pass through. That will be described as having a span of control of two. Although the concept itself is thousand years old there has not been any . Flat organizations have a 'wide' span of control and tall organizations have a 'narrow' span of Control. Tall structure - complex organizations often require a taller hierarchy. Lower level management decisions are long-term in nature. Wide span of management will always result in a flat organization & a narrow span of control results in tall organizational structures. •Also, due to this kind of span of control, number of managers required are few, so overall cost is law. Narrow span of control is more expensive as compared to wide span of control as there are more number of superiors and therefore there are greater communication problems between various levels of management. It refers to how many workers a manager is supervising. A narrow span of control tends to give managers close control over operations and to facilitate fast communication between managers and employees. Narrow span of controlling prevents cross-functional problem-solving. There is a wide and a narrow management. (When the power is concentrated in few hands). The firm with narrow span ten to have narrow structures i.e. 11. the same number of workers requirement of supervisory personnel at span of 4 is 1,365 and at span of 8 is only 585. The principle of span of management does not by itself resolve the conflict between the advantages to tall organization and that of a flat one. To establish flow of information . It is therefore very important for Span of Control and scope of control to be in harmony with each other. Factors affecting the span of control. Span of Control is indicative of the quality of leadership. Narrow span of control/long chain of command/tall organisational structure 2. The span of control is the number of persons directly reporting to a manager. Narrow spans of control are the opposite of wide spans of control, where many employees report to a single manager rather than only a few. The narrower the span of control, the more effective the manager can be. A narrow span of management exists when the manager has only a few subordinates. Hence wide span is suitable. This means that employees can be closely supervised; There is a clear management structure. Narrow Span of management means a single manager or supervisor oversees few subordinates. The span of management can be either wide or narrow. In this diagram we've shown a span of control of seven, meaning that each supervisor or manager has seven people reporting directly to him or her. Define span of control. While there are pros and cons with both tall and flat structures, a company's structure must be . Number of subordinates working directly under manager Two types: 1. To get advantage of specialization. Disadvantages of Narrow Span Of Management: It creates more levels of management which is expensive as well as time-consuming. Wider spans of management lead to flat organization, whereas, narrow spans of management result in tall organizational structure.Comparison between Wide Spans and Narrow Spans of Management are given below: An area sales manager or a regional manager could spend all of his (her) time travelling if the span were wide. Those managing many subordinates have a wide span.. The span of management has two types: narrow span of management and wide span of management. Contingency approach to management focuses on human variables. In the wide flat organisation the span of control is much wider. The span of control refers to the number of employees who report to a supervisor in a company. C. No span of management. This is because their . Factors Effecting Span of Management Supervisors managing few employees have a narrow span of control. On the other hand, a span of control is wide when a manager manages or controls up to 20 subordinates. In a tall structure, the span of control is narrow. There are two types of structures associated with the span of management. Narrow span of management (b) Wide span of management (c) No span of management (d) Less levels of management (a) Narrow span of management. A narrow span, which results in many levels in the organization, creates problems both in terms of cost and efficiency. With only one manager, or a manager with a supervisor or team leader in the hierarchy below, most employees are all on the same level and can work with each other with clear delegation of duties. Span of control is of two types: 1. It is also a well-known fact that a manager with a large Span of Control has a lot of people under him. Operating within the narrow confines of traditional . more levels of management. or staff. The smaller a manager's Span of Control, the less subordinates he can lead. The general meaning of the span of management is the number of employees or activities a manager or the company can manage. 9. While there are pros and cons with both tall and flat structures, the company's structure must be designed to fit the business (customer and market) and fit with workforce potential. When the ratio of a manager is to subordinates is high, say 1: 20 or 1: 15, and so on. Span of control describes how many subordinates a manager directly supervises. Specifically, Span of Management ascertains the range of hierarchal levels in the organization. Describe the factors that influence the span of control. If the superiors and subordinates are well-qualified, trained, experienced, and if they are experts in their jobs then the span of control will be wide and vice-versa. However, the speed of decision making is slow due to the many layers of management and may cause communication issues and delays. On the other hand, if work requires mental skill or craftsmanship, tight control and supervision is required in which narrow span is more helpful. This situation is common in flat organizations with relatively few levels in the management hierarchy. -A great deal of interaction is required between supervisor and workers. Sample 1. This principle is based on the principle of relationship. This type of management creates a more flat organizational structure, meaning it occurs most often in companies where the organizational structure does . A wide span of control exists when a person oversees many subordinates. In a hierarchical structure, managers will have a narrow span of control. Whereas, with the narrow span, the hierarchical levels increases, hence the organizational structure would be tall. Nature of work-If the work is of repetitive nature, wide span of supervision is more helpful. define span of management, why do some organizations have narrow or wide spans Span of management is the number of subordinates who report to a particular manager. A narrow span of control is where a manager directly line manages a small number of subordinates. If an organisation uses location departmentation, sales managers may be scat­tered across a large part of the country. Extended hierarchy of control results in a long time in decision-making. Wide span of control refers to a more modern approach; Narrow and wide span of controls have their advantages and disadvantages. Structure: More time is taken to make decisions in a tall structure since there are many levels of personnel to consider. The top executives look after important and specialised activities and, therefore, the span is narrow at the top level but at lower levels the span can be wide, since supervisors are mainly concerned with routine jobs. control and poor supervision. 3. Span of Control: A narrow span of control is seen in a tall structure. Define span of management. Qualification and Qualities. There are advantages and disadvantages to having a narrow span of control. 5) Complex nature of work demands narrow span of control 6) Span of control depends on the capacity of the executive to guide and work 7) Wider span can be employed if the organization and its control system are efficient and communication is good 8) A personal assistant to executives will reduce the routine work leading to wide span of control Meaning of authority is_____ (a) Subordinate to Superior relationship . Advantages: Close supervision. Span of control is of two types: 1. 2. fewer levels of management. In a wide span of management, the manager is directly responsible for a large number of subordinates. This gives rise to a tall organizational structure. The firm with narrow span ten to have wide structures i.e. Wide span •According to wide span, the manager supervises and control effectively a large group of persons at one time. Span of management means the number of people managed efficiently by a single officer in an organization It implies that a single executive should not be expected to give guidance to move people The limit of number of members for span of control may be increased or decreased according to. - A wide span of management exists when a manager directly supervises a large number of employees. Theoretical and practical variations in span of management are so wide that one needs help in deciding the number of subordinates to be supervised effectively at each position in the organization structure.Time and attention required; and personal abilities and influences are some of the factors having a bearing on the number of subordinates that can . A wide span of management exists when a manager directly supervises a large number of employees. Correct option is . The span should be narrow when If the superiors are working at the top-level of management, then they have more responsibilities. That is, there will be many managers. The two diagrams below illustrate two different spans of control: A span of control of 7 would be considered to be quite wide. The manager and the subordinates are very competent. In its simplest form, a tall structure results in one long chain of command similar to the . 8. The firm with wide span of control has more number of subordinates reporting directly to the manager. Define Organizational Height. many levels of hierarchy. Wide or narrow span. 2. Generally, the span of control may be wide when. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of a wide span of control (5) Advantages • Staff are empowered to make their own decisions and to carry out their own tasks without interference by managers. A narrower span solves this problem. Close control of subordinates. Often there is a controversy whether an organization should adopt the policy of narrow span or wide span of management. 11. This gives rise to a tall organizational structure. The function of each layer will be clear and distinct. - Span of management is the number of subordinates who report to a particular manager. The span of management is related to the horizontal levels of the organization structure. 5. (When the power is concentrated in few hands). 6. D. Less levels of management. That is, there will be many managers. Wide span of control/short chain of command/flat organisational structure. narrow span of management is more costly compared to wide span of management as there are large number of superior/managers and thus there is great communication issues too between various management levels. The concept of span of control is an important concept in business. Advantages of a wide span of control. • Less managers are required and wages are saved. Span of Control It suggests how the relations are designed between a superior and a subordinate in an organization.Span of control is of two types: ü Narrow span of control: Narrow Span of control means a single manager or supervisor oversees few subordinates. Narrow span of control: Narrow Span of control means a single manager or supervisor oversees few subordinates. A wide span of control can have positive or negative effects, or a mix of both, depending on how the business is structured and how the manager handles supervisory duties. If the work is difficult in nature, then the span of control is narrow, and vice-versa. Wide span of control is associated with a flat organizational structure with fewer reporting levels and higher subordinate autonomy. 4. Answer: C Explanation: When a large number of people report directly to one person, that person has a wide span of management. The span of control may be categorized in one of two ways. For the success of any business . Narrow Span of Management. The top management has more responsibilities and will therefore have a narrow span of control, whereas lower-level management has fewer responsibilities and will have a wider span of control. According to J.C. Worthy, a manager can supervise as many as 20 subordinates at the lower levels. Span of control, also called span of management, is the term used in business management, particularly human resource management.The term refers to the number of subordinates or direct reports a supervisor is responsible for. Name two types of span of control. Differentiate between narrow span of control and wide span of control. The organization has a well‐established set of standard operating procedures. A manager, handling such a long list of employees, gets motivation & a sense of a good position. This gives rise to a tall organizational structure. This is because there are more numbers of superiors at Tesco so there are greater communication problems between various levels of management. A narrow span of control is a management style where supervisors manage only a small number of employees. For the success of any business . Few new problems are anticipated. In Figure 3, the head of the hierarchy only has a span of two people - it is the next tier down that has the very wide span Early management writers argued that any span in excess of six would result in ineffective supervision, but later this was modified to a span of 4 to 8 for managerial functions and 8 to 15 at the lower levels of the . It is the process of working with and through others to effectively achieve the goals of the organization, by efficiently using limited resources in the changing world. Wide span of management. Disadvantages. The more widely the subordinates are scattered, the narrower the span should be. A tall structure of organisation is the one that has multiple levels of hierarchy. With the wider span, there will be less hierarchical levels, and thus, the organizational structure would be flatter. This video deals with definition of span of control, their types and optimal span of control. Span of control: It is the term now used more commonly in business management, particularly human resource ᄃ management. Number of Employees and a relatively small number of subordinates. Nature of Work. It is an organizational theory term that refers to how relationships are structured between leaders and subordinates in organizations. Tesco with narrower span, has greater number of levels which means that the narrow span of control is costly for Tesco as compared to the wide span of control of Wal-Mart. If the span of control is narrow, then there will be many management levels. With the wider span, there will be less hierarchical levels, and thus, the organizational structure would be flatter. An optimal span of control is influenced by various factors which are as follows: In a narrow span of control, a manger has fewer subordinates under him. There is a narrow span of control i.e. 5. Open in App. 7. Narrow: When the span of control is narrow, the manager has only a few workers to supervise.This span of control creates a taller structure which leads to having many levels of management. Wider span of management leads to flat organization whereas narrow span of management result in tall organization structure. If. In a wider span of control, a manager has many subordinates who report to him. However, too many subordinates reporting to once a single manager may cause stress to the manager. That is, under such a structure a manager has charge of only a few subordinates. 4. 4. Advantages of Wide Span of Control. In a wide span of control, subordinates are more independent. Vision statement describes the future-oriented declaration of an organization's purpose. To define chain of command . Open Split View. Wider spans of management lead to flat organizations whereas narrow spans of management result in tall organizational structures. Meaning If the span of control is narrow, then there will be many management levels. Wide span of control: Wide span of control means a single manager or supervisor oversees a large number of subordinates. A narrow Span of management develops good human relations in the organization. This organisation structure is called "Tall Organisation Structure". Span of control refers to the number of subordinates a supervisor has. Span of management is generally categorized under two heads- Narrow span and Wide span. A wide span of control is less expensive because the business employs fewer managers. There will be clear lines of responsibility and control; Clear progression and promotion ladder If the span is very narrow the business tends to be heavy. If the span is very narrow the business tends to be heavy. Verified by Toppr. A manager with a wide span of control supervises many employees, while one with a narrow span supervises just a few. A tall structure of organisation has narrow span of management. Organizations and teams can possess either a wide or a narrow span of control, and each has its advantages and drawbacks: Span-of-Control Types Wide span of control: Often found within a flat organizational structure, a wide span of control allows managers to have more direct reports and, therefore, more control over the work they produce. Label: Management. Flat organizations have a 'wide' span of control and Tall organizations have a 'narrow' span of control. Fast communication. High control, ease of supervision of the work of subordinates and more opportunities for promotion are core advantages of a narrow span of control. While most of the classical writers have suggested a narrow span of management, modern approach suggested a wider span of the management. Some companies also have an ideal span of control, which is the number of reports they feel a manager can effectively manage . oversees few subordinates. For delegation to be effective it is essential that responsibility be accompanied with necessary Contrast this with a span of 3 below, which would be considered "narrow". Span of Control is the number of people/subordinates that can be effectively managed by one manager. Scholars sometimes create confusion by titling it as span of control, span of authority and span of supervision. Medium. 1. 3.1.3 Narrow Span of Control The authority at Amazon is w ell structured, with proper job specialization , a narrow span of control that allows for clear lines of c ommunication as subordinates . Solution. In such cases, the manager can handle large number of employees. The commonly accepted definition of span of control is as follows: "the number of subordinates directly reporting to a leader/manager." . In case of companies every company has its own rules and regulations and management is no exception and that is the reason why some companies tend to follow narrow span of control while some tend to follow wide span of control. Span of management directly affects the number of levels in the organization. Span of management, also known as 'span of control', refers to the number of people a manager directly manages. The span of control is a human resource management term referring to the number of subordinates a supervisor is responsible for managing. Narrow span of management. -The manager has much work to do in addition to supervising workers. On the other hand, managers with a wide span of control might become overloaded with work, have trouble making decisions, and lose control over their subordinates. The communication pathway within a tall structure is usually long . Span of Control (GCSE) The span of control is the number of subordinates for whom a manager is directly responsible. Span of control is simply the number of staff that report to a manager. Span of management means the number of people managed efficiently by a single officer in an organization. Narrow Span of Control Meaning. Why do some organizations have narrow spans and others wide spans? •it is the easy to get effective co-ordination ,better communication. Commonly in business management, modern approach ; narrow and wide span of control in management theory define wide and narrow span of management. 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